Leisure & Hospitality Flooring

Venues such as cafés, restaurants and gyms are likely to have a high footfall of visitors, so flooring that is as practical as it is attractive is critical.

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If you are working within the leisure or hospitality industries, you will likely understand the importance of high-quality flooring.

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In the leisure and hospitality industries, your flooring will need to be particularly robust, withstanding use that goes beyond just walking. Gyms will need solid flooring that can accommodate heavy equipment and rigorous movement. While restaurants and bars will need flooring that can withstand frequent spillages and pressure caused by furniture that’s constantly in use.

Easy to clean

We know how demanding it can be to run a leisure or hospitality venue; maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in venues such as gyms and restaurants has always been imperative – even more so now. Our flooring solutions are made from a variety of durable and wipeable materials such as resin and plastics and provide a non-slip surface to help keep your staff and visitors safe.


Our leisure and hospitality flooring can withstand all types of traffic and is made to last. Each of our specially-developed flooring solutions is resistant to staining from food, wine and dirt from outside. Simply wipe away stains from our seamless and smooth surfaces, and keep your venue looking clean and welcoming for years to come.

Create the right ambience

Hospitality and leisure venues are places in which people choose to spend time. Therefore, you’ll want to carefully consider how your flooring contributes to creating an inviting, welcoming and fun space. Acoustics play a major role in ambience – and flooring can make all the difference. Our flooring can help enhance the sound of music in a bar, for example, or can reduce clanging and echoing from multiple pieces of gym equipment in a leisure venue.

Expert project management

That’s why we offer such an extensive range of flooring solutions for the leisure industry. Working in these sectors, you will want to be creative as well as practical in your flooring choices; choose from a broad range of colours and materials to help differentiate your brand and create inspiring, contemporary spaces.


Our team has many years’ experience providing specialist leisure & hospitality flooring for various types of venues. We know that every leisure facility and hospitality business has its own unique requirements when it comes to flooring.

Contact use now to find out more about the specialist flooring we supply and install for the hospitality and leisure industries

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